The recent COVID-19 crisis had a major impact on economic activity around the globe and has highlighted the importance of insolvency frameworks to support businesses in financial difficulties. The EBRD is carrying out an accelerated insolvency assessment of national insolvency frameworks to provide the EBRD, its countries of operations and investors with an up-to-date overview of business reorganisation tools and to propose any areas where further development of national legislation is needed. The Assessment will be conducted through a questionnaire sent to key stakeholders and an analysis of law on the books and relevant insolvency data.

We would kindly invite you to answer the questions contained in this questionnaire to help us understand how business reorganisation works in practice in your jurisdiction. Following the collection of responses, the overall score for each country will be published on an aggregated and anonymous basis. The results of the Assessment, including country profiles, legal analysis and reform proposals, will be made available online.

While the focus of this questionnaire is on business reorganisation, it is clear that there will be a rise in the level of non-performing loans in the banking sector in many countries as loans to businesses are impaired. We would therefore be grateful if you would spare some additional time to complete the short NPL Survey on loans that are in default for some time (non-performing loans), consisting of only 6 questions, where if you have relevant knowledge of this related area. A link to the NPL Survey will appear when you complete the Business Reorganisation Questionnaire. Alternatively you can access the NPL Survey via the home page.